Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Update 10/09- Dracula

I know I told you all that I wouldn't make excuses or take up time saying I'm sorry for dropping the ball but I feel that this is important. I need to let you know what's going on just so that there is at least a post about SOMETHING for this week. So the play is this weekend and all my time is spent staying up with class work and long evenings in the theatre.

Again if any of you are in the Ann Arbor, MI area you should come and see this production. For such a small program we are truly blessed with the talents we have and being able to put on this production. Now that I've seen the lights, sound and costumes I'm even more excited for this production. This play truly takes on a different meaning and carries a strong message rather than just give you the creepy crawlies and frights, though it does that as well. I've seen this count less time through the past month and I still get frightened and worried even though I know how it ends.

The show is playing October 11-13 at Concordia University's Kraft Arts Center/ Black Box Theatre. House opens at 7 and the show starts at 8.  For more ticket info click here or use the link below:


 Hope you all have a great week and please enjoy the show!

Any comments are welcome and feel free to subscribe to my blog or follow me on twitter or YouTube as I will eventually use them all more cohesively. Also clicking on ads and such will help me eventually be able to upgrade equipment and allow me to spend more time on my internet projects. I don't like self promotion but what money I eventually make WILL go back to these projects.

Monday, October 1, 2012

A possible new format

Hey this is personal side of me talking now. I just wanted to let you all know what going on inside the chaos behind the curtain.

I think I'm getting into a groove and I have a few ideas. I'm thinking I'll do Gaming Wednesday where I'll talk about something to do with video games, and then on Sunday I will do my regular post on something interesting to me at the time. I'm also considering whether I should give updates about past topics or posts within the regular post or just make a separate one. I also need to reign in my ideas because I'm getting some creative juices flowing but if I take on every idea that I have then I might have too much to handle and I need to keep up with academics and other responsibilities.

 I also hope that my readers, if I have any kind of steady following, would consider giving feedback and or subscribe/follow that would be pretty awesome. Also click on any interesting ads that you see. I get a little monet for every one you click so you'll be helping a friend out. Thanks!