Saturday, April 2, 2011

Opening the flood gates of my own brand of Chaos

So I don't know who will ever find this but what the heck. This is another attempt for me to try to get my ideas out into the world and to just rant or release my pent up mental and/or creative energy. I have a YouTube account but my computer and editing software never seem to like me so I've neglected that. I also have a twitter that only has 18 followers and most of those are random and I have no clue how they found me and I'm unsure they are even real people. Though I've had two random "celebrities", one is a jewelry artist and the other is a small cast member from the "The Guild". If you find this I'm not dissing you but I don't understand how you got subscribed to me, I actually thought you were quite good. I've also had random friend invites on Youtube. But this is besides the point. I'll probably forget about this blog after a few weeks or maybe it'll survive. Who know maybe I'll get my 15min. of fame one day.... yeah i guess if it's God willing. I'll probably get lost in the sea of fellow wannabes other ranters.

I work in the art gallery at my small private university so I have four hours ever weekend to write about stuff that is not at all legitimate to my academic studies that I should be working on.

Speaking of which I'm at the end of my shift so I won't get to do my introductions till the next blog post so until then I guess....

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