Friday, December 16, 2011

Finals Week

        Finals Week, those two words usually strike fear and terror into college students. This week seems to the most crucial and trying time for current students and still stirs graduates to the core. A huge percentage of a students grade usually lies in the outcome of a final. Even if your grade is not dependent on the result of your final there usually is a tidal wave of work, study and preparation required to make it through this week of immense stress. The thing that is nice about being an English major at Concordia is that I haven't had a lot of "cumulative" finals. The bad thing is that there are usually enormous papers to write and just like most college students I procrastinate and end up writing the whole thing the night before. I must say that I had to take Principles of Biology as a gen ed. and I absolutely manhandled that class. If it weren't for my abhorrence for Black Board and my inability to remember to take the online quizzes I probably would have aced the whole class. Instead I ended with an 88% but on the "final" which was actually just the last unit test, I scored 114 out of 100. This professor gave extra credit questions on the test and she also curved because she had her baby over thanksgiving so the last two weeks were independent study. Needless to say I was the curve, or broke it. Now that finals are over and I'm back home for the Christmas Break/ til next semester starts I have another predicament.
        I'm home which means I'm in the middle of no where. Yes i enjoy being home and with my family but there's only so much you can do and after awhile I'll get sick of it. I also start to miss my friends from college and I can't visit them and I start feeling "college sick". Like home sickness but the other way around. College has become my home and also where I have the most opportunities to go out with out driving thirsty to forty minutes. Most of my high school friends are doing their own thing and frankly I haven't even talked to all but my closest friends. Well I do need to get my stuff unpacked and go through old stuff and see what we can get rid of. So there is stuff to do but I seem to lose motivation so quickly.
        I also need to watch what I eat. I've lost some weight and I need to keep it off if even lose some more but with a refrigerator and pantry full of munchies and a sudden feeling of lethargy it's going to take a lot of will power.
       So to my fellow college students take your break to release your stress have fun and enjoy it while it lasts. Also please feel free to click on ads and show some support to a fellow broke college student. It's like a possible ten cent free donation and it costs you nothing. I also look forward to any comments that I could use to blog with or engage in conversation. Seriously I'd like to get feed back, or email me at SycoFox (at)

Monday, December 12, 2011

Feedback appreciated

Soooo.... I've been trying to come up with a good theme or topic and I can't really figure out what or why I started this blog besides that I want to write, and occasionally put personal experience into the posts. Right now is finals and I really should be doing that. You know, studying, writing a paper, practicing for my trumpet jury and that vocal recital. So I thought I'd ask  you guys. "You Guys" being who ever happens to reads this. Why do you come back to look at it? What do you want to see? I know that I need to find something that can draw people in. Always talking about my self and my ideas won't get a lot of people interested. Oh and if you see the Ads on my page, do me a favor and click on them once in awhile. They won't kill you and you might be helping me get some pocket change. Thanks and hopefully during break I'll get some stuff done. I look forward to reading your comments.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Focusing Content, no more "rants"

I have decided I need to find a certain type of posts and content that needs to be made on this site. By choosing the type of content posted I think that I'll be able to make better posts and therefore attract readers. I have a second blog that I have designated for my devotions when I decide to take the time to put them up. Even though I don't want to limit or keep the Gospel from readers of this post, I think it's fair to say that you may read this blog for your own reasons and will not want to see my rants or religious views. I will do a better job of keeping this blog clear of rants because I am personally embarrassed by my self for allowing my unprofessional lack of restraint of my thoughts. Not that I am ashamed of my God but I don't want to push others away or give false impressions. I believe if a reader wants to hear my views or the Gospel they will be lead to those resources. Again I will work on finding a steady theme to this blog and I hope that who ever finds this will appreciate what I put up. Thank you